In the Meet Brno in Brno for you project, we organized another meeting on 19 December. This time we met the participants face to face. On the day of the event, a meeting of six people was allowed. For this reason, we were divided into smaller groups, where each group had its leader from Brno for you. Our event was intended for newcomers in Brno. On Saturday morning we met in Lužánky, where we met through fun name games. The weather wasn't bad, so we moved to Volunteer Center 67. We continued with dating games that helped us break the ice and we could share experiences with life in Brno. We discussed different topics depending on who was interested. Participants exchanged experiences, advice and tips. After lunch, we went in divided groups to the city, where the participants were waiting for an adventurous search for magical places in Brno. Through the Action Bound application, together with Harry Potter, they searched for the mysterious places of Brno. We ended our meeting by talking about the possibilities of active citizenship with a cake and a coffee.
#solidarniprojekty #meetbrnoonline
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